Join the Friends
Becoming a member of the Friends
of False Cape State Park is easy! Simply print out this page or
download the file below, fill it out, and mail it to the mailing
address on the form! You do not have to be a member of the
Friends of False Cape State Park in order to be a volunteer.
However, by becoming a member of the Friedns, you will be better
informed and will become an integral part of Park operations.
So, if you want to join, you are quite welcome!
The Friends of False Cape State Park is a 50lc(3)
non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible and
gratefully received.
Membership includes several options.
Please check the selection of your choice:
Additional financial support is
Appreciated. Support options:
⎕ Park Naturalist $100.00
⎕ Park Historian $200.00
⎕ Other _______
Make checks payable to: Friends of False
Cape State Park
Mail to:
The Friends of False Cape State Park
4001 Sandpiper Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
City: ___________________
State: _______ Zip Code: _______
Phone: __________
All contributions are tax deductible